Contributeurs et contributrices 2024
Découvrez les lauréats de 2024 qui vous offrent des dossiers Google Drive contenant des ressources scolaires utiles (et gratuites)

Bac Maths
Imen Achour - Etudiante à l'IPEST
Ancienne élève du Lycée Pilote de Bizerte, admise avec 18.61 de moyenne
"I 'd like to say to all of you that it is not so necessary to be motivated to study but the most essential thing is to be disciplined by keeping the same rythm throughout the baccalaureate journey even if you are going to pass through ups and downs because it will surely pay off inchallh just be confident , descplined and enjoy the journey.Also I highly recommend to use this website it helped me a lot through my bac nd it' s so beneficial .."

Bac Maths
Ranim Hamrouni - Etudiante à l'INSAT
Ancienne élève du Lycée Pilote de Bizerte, admise avec 18.57 de moyenne
"The only thing that matters this year and is going to pay off at the end is your own personal effort msh l’etudet donc ma tkatharsh menhom and don’t forget to enjoy every moment and make as many memories as you can because it’s a very special and fun year."

Bac Economie et Gestion
Mehdi Bouzommita - Etudiant à l'école de l'économie de La Sorbonne
Ancien élève du Lycée Ibn Rochd Zarzis, admis avec 17.41 de moyenne
"Focus on mastering concepts, not just passing exams, and always stay curious. That’s how you’ll excel wherever you go "

Bac Maths
Faouzi Blibech - Etudiant à HIDE Tunis
Ancien élève de avenue de l'indépendance Admis avec 16,8 de moyenne
"Hard work and dedication lead to success. Each challenge you face is a step toward achieving your goals and unlocking your potential. Every hour of study brings you closer to excellence. Embrace the journey with confidence, and best of luck to you all."

Bac Sciences Expérimentales
Mohamed Jmil
Ancien élève du Lycée mixte de Tataouine, admis avec 14.9 de moyenne
"The only advice i would like to give is to make this year as enjoyable as possible .For sure you should study hard to achieve the goal you’re aiming for but you should also make a lot of memories. For me, this year will be remembered for the rest of my life, it was my favorite year of high school and i hope it will be the same for you. I wish you all the best and success throughout this year."